Celebrating Mom

We have finally uploaded a few pics from our annual Mothers Day event!  What a night!  We were so happy to see such a great turnout.  We really do have the best patients ever!





















Beginning Sun Salutation

Yoga is one of the best ways to strengthen your body and to keep it flexible.  No need to head to a yoga studio to get started.  You can do this quick video right in your home.
This video is introducing the Sun Salutation and is aimed for beginners just starting out.  Try it out and let us know how you feel.

Beginning Pilates

We talk about core strength a lot because it’s important.

We are sharing this beginning Pilates video today.  We like him.  Not only does he give you the basics, but he’s funny and it’s ONLY 8 minutes.  We all have 8 minutes to improve ourselves.


Mothers Day is a Priority!

Please join us for our annual Mothers Day Event.

  • Thursday, May 5th, 5:30-8:30pm,
  • Riverstone Marketplace
  • 3401 SE 192nd  Suite 100, Vancouver WA 98683

$10 suggested donation- All proceeds will go to the Amercian Red Cross to support the survivors of the tsunami & earthquake in Japan.

Good food, great conversations to help celebrate all the mothers!


Real Food Revolution

Please join us for our last class this coming Tuesday.

WHEN: Tuesday, March 22nd

TIME: 6:30-8:30pm

WHERE: Priority Health Chiropractic

Register by calling 360-882-7733



Happy Birthday!

It’s our birthday and that gives us an excuse to spoil our patients and donate to one of our favorite places – SW Washington Humane Society!


Do you Paleo?

Our second class on Tuesday February 22, will feature Patty Murphy, an expert on the Paleo Diet! Come listen, learn, and be challenged by this fascinating lifestyle diet. It will literally change your life and how you think about food and its effects on your health!

Please see our flyer below for registration information.


Real Food

2 more classes!

Real Food Revolution!

How’s that New Years Resolution coming along?  Are you eating better like you vowed?  It’s hard to make changes, that’s why we’ve put together this great program to help you along your quest for better health.


WHEN: February 22nd -March 22 (Tuesdays)

Fee: $15 per class

TIME: 6:30-8:30 pm

WHERE: Priority Health Chiropractic

Today we have an abundance of options when it comes to the food we eat. But all foods are not created equal. In fact, some food should not even be labeled as food, but rather “ consumable product” or “edible but void of nourishment and will most likely cause chronic disease in the long run.”

Minda Coombs , NTP , along with Drs. Min, Lori and Gregg will be leading a 3 part seminar to help you navigate past the complexities of processed food and help you find your way back to the simplicity of real food and all its health benefits.

Register today ….

it will change your life, one meal at a time!


How Does Chiropractic Promote Overall Wellness?

Chiropractors know that adjustments are good for your general health. Millions of satisfied patients cannot be wrong. But what do chiropractors know that the rest of us do not?

They know the nervous system is the one system in the body that directly affects every other system. This is because nerves conduct sensory information from every part of the body and then delivers this information to the brain. Once there, the brain analyzes the information to determine what the body needs to maintain a healthy state. So the health of this system is paramount to the good health of the rest of the body.

Chiropractors recognize that misalignment in the spine can interfere with proper nervous system function.
More specifically, chiropractors study the effects of vertebral subluxations – conditions of the spine where alignment and/or movement patterns of the vertebrae are abnormal. When this
occurs, imbalances cause irritation and inflammation. In turn this can cause interference with information that is transmitted along nerves and spinal cord. Chiropractors are the only health care professionals specifically trained to locate and correct spinal subluxations.

This is the principal reason why chiropractors should be called wellness doctors. Every time a chiropractor corrects a vertebral subluxation, the positive effects are felt in multiple systems simultaneously.

Where’s the Proof?


For decades, scientific research has focused on the use of chiropractic adjustments for low back pain, neck pain and headaches. In fact, there is now clear evidence to recommend
chiropractors as the go-to professionals for spinal pain syndromes. However, with the rising popularity of wellness based
philosophies focused on nontraditional approaches to health, chiropractors are being asked to justify their role.

The traditional medical model of symptom-based healthcare is rapidly waning. We no longer feel we have to be sick to call upon a health professional for advice. Instead, we are focusing more on the detrimental effects stress has on our bodies, and the therapies that address the mind-body connection are getting much more

In a recent report from the Center for Disease Control, the four most popular forms of alternative and complementary
medicine were listed as: natural products, deep breathing, meditation and chiropractic!

People are casting their votes with their healthcare dollars and chiropractors are taking a leadership role in this new wellness model. As a profession whose core philosophy is about the optimization of the brain body communication network, chiropractic can be viewed as a therapy with an emphasis on whole body health and wellness.

Research is catching up to what chiropractors have known for years. In a recent study that reviewed all the available research to date, investigators found that “chiropractic adjustments, often for the purpose of correcting vertebral subluxation, confer measurable health benefits to people regardless of the presence or absence of symptoms.” More people are seeking what chiropractic offers: optimization of health and an improved quality of life, with a spine free of vertebral subluxations!

In a multi-nation study involving hundreds of chiropractors and thousands of chiropractic patients, researchers sought to measure the incidence of non-musculoskeletal responses to
chiropractic therapy. What they found was that a number of patients experienced systemic benefits from their chiropractic treatments whether or not they mentioned any symptoms in these
areas at the onset of care. The most common benefits reported in this study were breathing (27%), digestion (26%)
and circulation (21%).

toolsIn yet another ground-breaking study, chiropractic adjustments were shown to actually decrease blood pressure, one of the leading causes for preventable death in North America (in relation to the incidence of heart-attacks and strokes). The study stood up to medical scrutiny and showed unequivocally that vertebral subluxations – of the upper cervical vertebra in this case – can be detrimental to the health of the individual, and not just a pain in the neck.

From these research results, chiropractors clearly have a greater role in your health and wellness than just treating sore backs. Chiropractic care should be considered an invaluable tool for you to not only help you feel well, but to also help you be well.


Disclaimer: Information contained in this Wellness Express newsletter is for educational and general purposes only and is designed to assist you in making informed decisions about your health. Any information contained herein is not intended to substitute advice from your physician or other healthcare professional.
Copyright 2010 Wellness Express™

Don’t “B” Without These Eight Vitamins

In this issue of Wellness Express, we look at the role of B vitamins and the importance they play in your body, especially for your brain, nervous system, metabolism and blood cells.


You may wonder why there are so many B vitamins. The eight types are chemically different enough from each other to stand alone as separate vitamins. When the eight are combined into a single capsule or tablet, the product is referred to as a B complex

Although B vitamins are found in numerous foods, there are times when it may be beneficial to supplement your intake of these nutrients. Your age, dietary habits, medication use and state
of health all impact the levels of vitamins you should be getting daily. Talk to your chiropractor or other qualified healthcare professional before using supplements. He or she can also recommend the appropriate amounts of B vitamins that are right for you.

From a food group perspective, B vitamins are mainly found in animal products, such as meat and dairy.
However, most B vitamins do occur in smaller amounts in plant-based foods; you can find them in green vegetables, potatoes, beans, nuts, bananas and citrus fruits. Below are descriptions of the eight B vitamins and their reported health benefits.

B1 (Thiamine) Like many of the B vitamins, B1 – or thiamine – is essential in creating energy from carbohydrates, fat and protein. It is also significant for the health of your heart and nervous system

B2 (Riboflavin) Riboflavin helps distribute iron, and it is also crucial for metabolism and skin health. It is used in conjunction with phototherapy to reduce jaundice in new born infants. More recently, Riboflavin demonstrated promise in
health studies as a treatment for the eye disease keratoconus.

B3 (Niacin) As well as extracting energy from food like other B vitamins, niacin aids with blood circulation and appetite regulation.

Niacin has been studied closely because of its therapeutic benefits related to cholesterol. Research reveals niacin boosts HDL (often called “good” cholesterol) while allowing bad LDL cholesterol to be flushed out of the body.

Studies indicate high doses of niacin may increase HDL by as much as 35 percent. (Do not use niacin for cholesterol
control without supervision from a qualified healthcare professional.)

In research conducted at Michigan’s Henry Ford Hospital, niacin was shown to improve brain function after stroke, one of North America’s leading causes of death. B3 increased blood vessels in the brains of the stroke victims.

B5 (Pantothenic acid) Pantothenic acid is key in food energy conversion, especially as it assists coenzyme A – critical for the synthesis of fatty acids. Some research indicates that vitamin B5 may impact obesity. People with low amounts of pantothenic acid were more strongly influenced by hunger.

B6 (Pyridoxine) Pyridoxine plays a number of crucial roles, including preventing anemia, maintaining blood sugar levels, and helping your immune system. Vitamin B6 creates niacin (vitamin B3) from the amino acid tryptophan. It’s also important for maintaining mental health as it is a catalyst in the creation of mood influencing neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine.

B7 (Biotin) Biotin is often found in beauty products because of its ability to promote hair and skin health. But its most promising therapeutic potential could be for helping diabetics. Research shows biotin assists with blood sugar control and glucose levels – in some cases, slashing glucose by nearly 50 percent.  As well asimpacting blood sugar, biotin may alleviate symptoms caused by diabetic neuropathy.

B9 – (Folate / Folic Acid)
Vitamin B9 has one of the highest profiles of all the B vitamins. It is widely recommended for women trying to conceive children as it helps stop neural tube defects, such as spina bifida, during pregnancy. As well, folic acid assists with red blood cell formation
and preventing anemia. It also helps convert vitamin B12 into its most metabolically potent form.
B12 (Cobalamin) This B vitamin is well known for its positive effects on neurological health. Unfortunately, many older adults are deficient in this vitamin. B12 is not found in plant sources, which can make it problematic for vegans. If you do not eat animal products or you are over the age of 50, talk to your chiropractor about whether B12 supplementation is
appropriate for you.

According to research conducted at Oxford University, vitamin B12, along with vitamins B6 and B9, may help people suffering from mild cognitive impairment (MCI) — a risk factor in developing Alzheimer’s disease