What You Should Know About Concussions

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention reports 1.7 million people sustain a traumatic brain injury (TBI) each year, and the majority of these cases are classified as concussions (also know as mild traumatic brain injury)

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This health problem has risen in the public eye in the last year – the result of several professional athletes being affected by concussions. Recent research suggests we may be underestimating the impact of mild brain trauma on long-term neurological health.

A study published in the medical journal Brain indicates athletes who sustained concussions in early adulthood showed evidence of mental and physical deterioration 30 years after the event.

Impact to the head can cause the brain to move inside the skull, which can lead to bruising, blood vessel damage, swelling and bleeding – sometimes severe enough to require immediate medical intervention to prevent serious brain damage or death.
Sport concussions grab most of the media attention, but this type of brain injury can result from car accidents, workplace incidents, falls and fights.
To get familiar with concussions, here are the most common symptoms

• Headache
• Slurred speech
• Confusion
• Blurred vision
• Dizziness
• Light and noise sensitivity
• Nausea and vomiting
• Memory and concentration problems

If an injured person has symptoms that last beyond 15 minutes or loses consciousness, he or she should be evaluated by a physician.

Concussions: Get Serious!

Health researchers are pointing to evidence that reveals the public may not be taking concussions as seriously
as it should.
About half a million children visit hospital emergency departments annually for treatment of traumatic brain injury. The medical journal Pediatrics published a study that showed hospitalized children who were labeled as having a concussion spent fewer days in the hospital compared to children who were labeled as having mild traumatic brain injury – even though the labels mean the same thing.3 Another troubling statistic revealed high school football players were more likely to suffer concussions and severe head injuries compared to college
players. The American Journal of Sports Medicine published this
evidence, noting there were 0.67 injuries per 100,000 players at the high school level but only 0.21 per 100,000 players at the college level.4 One of the study authors suggested a possible reason could be that high schools do not usually have team physicians, unlike at the college level. This may result in improper
diagnosis and players returning to the field before they have adequately recovered from their injury.

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Football is not the only sport where concussions occur. An analysis of minor league hockey in Canada indicated there was a significant increase in head injuries, including concussions, among nine and ten year old players when hockey organizations
allowed body checking for this age group. In December of last year, the Radiological Society of North America presented interesting research on soccer players and brain trauma. The study looked at 38 amateur players who frequently hit the soccer ball (several times daily) with their head. They scored 20% lower in verbal memory and processing speed compared to players who rarely hit the ball with their head. Brain imaging scans of the
38 players revealed microscopic white matter, consistent with traumatic brain injury.

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Currently, many athletes participate in baseline concussion tests that measure cognitive performance involving  memory, concentration and reaction time. If an athlete suffers a suspected
concussion, he retakes the test to see if any changes have occurred since the injury. However, health researchers at at Loyola University uncovered the possibility of high false negative tests, which could mean an athlete returns to
play prematurely.

Concussions and Chiropractic

One of the highest profile sport concussions cases is that of NHL superstar Sidney Crosby. After suffering concussions, Crosby had to endure an extensive break from playing hockey to rest and recuperate. While he was sidelined, Crosby received treatment from a team of chiropractic
neurologists. The therapy consisted of non-invasive, drug free rehabilitation that included adjustments and receptor-based stimulation of the senses, exercise and dietary changes to boost the function of the brain and nervous system.8 The treatment has helped many concussion sufferers to heal and recover more quickly from injury.
Your chiropractor wants you to take precautions to avoid concussions.
While engaged in sports, use proper equipment. Always wear a seatbelt when in a vehicle and familiarize yourself with the symptoms of a concussion. If you have any questions, talk to your chiropractor.

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Kids, Exercise & Academic Performance

If you want your child to do better in school, you should make sure your son or daughter gets plenty of exercise.
Research indicates physical activity can impact a child’s brain as much as the body. In a review of exercise studies published last month in the Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine,
researchers uncovered compelling evidence in 12 studies that children who participated in regular physical exercise achieved better academic performance.

Exercise and the Brain

Why does exercise have a positive effect on the brain? Researchers offer a number of reasons.
Physical activity increases the amount of oxygen and blood to the brain, which in turn boosts cognitive function.
As well, exercise develops brain-derived neurotrophic factor
(BDNF) – a protein that exerts significant influence over the creation of neurons. BDNF is primarily found in brain areas important for learning, memory and higher thinking. Laboratory experiments showed mice that were exercised increased their production of BDNF considerably compared to sedentary mice. Exercise also increases production of mood-lifting endorphins and this may give kids the confidence to tackle academic

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Most experts agree additional human studies are needed on exercise and its impact on academic performance, but
so far the research shows promise.
A study on middle school kids revealed those students engaged in
vigorous exercise (20 minutes at least three days a week) achieved higher academic grades over two semesters
than students who did not participate in intense exercise.
Research published in the Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology showed that elementary school children who had good aerobic fitness were more likely to excel in reading and mathematics.
However, strength training was not associated with improved academic performance. In their conclusion, the study researchers
remarked: “These findings suggest that fitness was positively associated with neuroelectric indices of attention and working memory, and response speed in children.

An analysis conducted on overweight children showed interesting results as it relates to executive function, which
influences a child’s ability to organize, plan, problem solve and concentrate.
Researchers split the children into two groups – one group did more weekly physical activity than the other. Children
who engaged in 40 minutes of activity each school day over 15 weeks scored better on executive function than kids who only did 20 minutes of exercise over the same period. When they reviewed brain scans for the most physically active group, the researchers found these kids had more neural
activity in the brain’s frontal lobe – a key area involved in executive function.
Many schools are already convinced of the influence of exercise on their students’ academic results. In an article that appeared in Education Week, a school district in Illinois developed a physical activity class for students struggling with reading and
writing. The students participated in early morning exercises followed immediately by a literacy support class. After just one semester, the students’ literacy development jumped 1.34
years in progress compared to 0.7 for students who only received literacy support. The school district expanded
the program to include mathematics, and the participating students saw their algebra scores improve 20.4%

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Less Active Students – A Troubling Trend

Unfortunately, the focus for many schools is to reduce time spent on physical activities and concentrate more on academics. This seems counter-intuitive, especially when there has been such a rise in obesity among children and adolescents.

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Research indicates having additional physical activity in schools does not necessarily lower student academic performance. A review of scientific studies on this topic was published in the International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity and the researchers remarked: “Given competent providers, PA (physical activity) can be added to the school curriculum by taking time from other subjects without risk of hindering student academic achievement. On the other hand, adding time to ‘academic’ or ‘curricular’ subjects by taking time
from physical education programs does not enhance grades in these subjects and may be detrimental to health.
Is your child getting enough exercise?
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, children and teens should get a minimum of 60 minutes of physical activity daily, and most of it should be aerobic.
Need advice on appropriate exercise for your child? Ask your chiropractor!

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Win Six 1-Hour Massages!

Refer-A-Friend Contest!

Starting 1/16/2012 thru 2/29/2012, get entered into a drawing to receive 6 free one hour massages just for referring a friend or family member to our practice.

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The more people you refer, the better your odds!


Vancouver/ Portland area



According to the germ theory of disease, humans get sick when they are exposed to pathogens like bacteria and viruses – especially if they are allowed to multiply uncontrollably inside them. Fortunately, we have an inborn self defense system to take care of this problem which we call the immune system. This system detects and destroys any foreign substances that
make their way inside the body, under the direction of the brain and the nervous system.
Whenever a person is weak or vulnerable such as the diseased or the very young or old, they are more susceptible to harboring infections, as their immune system also becomes weak. If these people get infected with bacteria or viruses, the results can be fatal.
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Medical scientists have observed, once the human body has been exposed to a certain pathogen, it will be ‘primed’ to respond better to that same substance if it encounters it a second time. This is the principle that led to the development of vaccinations: when a person receives a vaccination shot, what they are actually getting is a small dose of the actual pathogen, or parts of its structure that our immune system will react to. Researchers theorize that if you get a small enough dose, you won’t get sick,
but afterwards your immune system will be more ‘ready’ to protect you if exposed to the same bug again later in life. Unfortunately, what researchers did not predict was the negative
side-effects of this well-intentioned preventative treatment.
First, people who are injected with vaccines can actually get sick from them! There is an entire website dedicated to the adverse effects related to vaccines – which receives approximately 30,000 submissions annually.1 Some of the more serious reports they receive include: allergic reactions, fevers, seizures, or even death. Second, there appears to be an increase in a number of other childhood diseases since the inception of national vaccination programs.
Reports have linked the use of mercury-laden vaccines with a significant increase in the number of neurodevelopmental disorders like autism. Other diseases, like ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease, typically uncommon in people less than ten years of age, appear to be substantially higher in children vaccinated for measles than in un-vaccinated children.  Even Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), a devastating and mysterious condition resulting in millions of deaths in North America, has been associated with the DPT vaccination: in one alarming study, two-thirds of those infants who died
from SIDS had received their pertussis vaccine, with 26% dying within 3 days after their shots -and 13% within the first 24 hours!6

Third, is it really effective? When we look at the death rates from many of the diseases that vaccinations have been developed for, we see that there was already a steady and significant decline
before the vaccination was introduced on a massive scale.  Also, when we compare numbers in the U.K. between certain diseases (measles) to others that have never been vaccinated for (scurvy), the steady decline is very similar, suggesting that vaccination is not the only reason for the eradication of these diseases,  and if an outbreak of measles occurs in highly vaccinated populations, those fully vaccinated children can still contract the disease!
In one recent report of an outbreak in the US, there were 9 laboratory confirmed cases of measles, out of which 7 were vaccinated previously for the disease.




The immunity-boosting powers of chiropractic have often been demonstrated, with the most impressive of these documented by Walter Rhodes in his account of the influenza epidemic of 1918 in North America. According to the medical statistics from the era, many people who were treated by chiropractors fared much better than those treated by MDs with respect to the flu. In one impressive account, “In Davenport, Iowa, 50 medical doctors treated 4,953 cases, with 274 deaths. In the same city, 150
chiropractors including students and faculty of the Palmer School of Chiropractic treated 1,635 cases with only
one death.” Chiropractic is an all-natural health care solution that bases its entire philosophy on helping to improve the body’s innate ability to heal itself.
Chiropractors accomplish this feat by removing irritation and interference in the nervous system caused by vertebral
subluxations – thus allowing for proper regulation and control of all systems in the body, including the immune system.
Vaccinations – the benefits versus the risks – is a difficult subject faced by every parent. We recommend you do your own research, including a more thorough discussion about this topic with your Chiropractor, so that you get all the help you need to decide what is best for your child.

How Antioxidants Reduce Inflammation

If you are a health conscious person, you have probably heard about antioxidants. These important molecules do a lot to protect your body from damage caused by toxins and disease. One of the most significant duties antioxidants perform is reducing inflammation – a risk factor for numerous diseases and health problems.

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Inflammation – the Good and the Bad

Is all inflammation bad for you? No, some inflammation is necessary to heal your body. When you damage muscles, tendons or ligaments, you often see inflammation and reduced function in the affected areas. The inflammatory response allows tissue repair and limits further damage by restricting movement in the injured area. However, excessive or chronic inflammation prevents healing, and your body becomes more susceptible to
Antioxidants protect you from free radical molecules, which promote inflammation. Besides joint related diseases like arthritis, inflammation can be a key contributor to heart disease, stroke, cancer, inflammatory bowel disease, Alzheimer’s disease and chronic fatigue syndrome.
It is not possible to completely stop your body from producing free radicals because it is part of natural metabolic processes. In fact, every time you breathe, you create free radicals.
However, your chiropractor wants you to know the steps you can take to limit the production of free radicals and reduce inflammation in your body.

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Photo from Oasis Advanced Health

Our environment and lifestyle can contribute significantly to the development of inflammation. Avoid exposure to pesticides by eating organic food.
When it comes to diet, consume plenty of fruits and vegetables, especially raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, kale and spinach. For protein rich sources, opt for fish over meat.
Legumes and nuts are also good sources of protein. Exercise to keep your body in an appropriate weight range.
Stress also promotes inflammation, so learn stress management techniques to keep it under control. Ask your chiropractor for tips on improving your diet and lifestyle.

Tea and Herbs: Heal Inflammation and Reduce Signs of Age

Recent research shows that common herbs and tea may provide excellent protection against inflammation. A British study investigated the healing effects of 21 different plant extracts.
The researchers were focused primarily on how inflammation affects skin cells, as inflammatory conditions cause wrinkled skin and premature aging.
The substances that exhibited the most anti-inflammatory action were white tea, witch hazel and rose – all
contain antioxidant compounds. The study reported that these three botanical substances play a role in blocking the body from producing the compound interleukin 8, a proinflammatory
A study on botanical substances and inflammation published in the Journal of Lipid Research revealed thyme oil had a powerful effect at suppressing the inflammatory substance known as
COX-2. The research studied six plant extracts- thyme, clove, rose, eucalyptus, fennel and bergamot. While all six
showed anti-inflammatory action, thyme performed the best by reducing
COX-2 presence in cells by 75% – compared to 25% for the other plant extracts. This is likely the result of antioxidant flavonoids and high levels of carvacrol, a key ingredient in thyme
that both suppresses inflammation and fights bacteria in the body.

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Spicy Ginger Cools Inflammation

Chronic inflammation is linked to an increased risk of cancer. A study published in Cancer Prevention Research showed that extracts of ginger root could be developed as a therapeutic tool in the prevention of colon cancer. The study consisted of 30 participants who were randomly assigned either a placebo pill or a ginger root supplement (2 grams) taken
daily. After the research period of 28 days, scientists measured colon inflammation levels in the patients, and discovered statistically significant reductions in inflammation markers in
the ginger extract group. The antioxidants in ginger could also
help relieve muscle pain induced by inflammation. Research appearing in the Journal of Pain indicated ginger acts in a similar way to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).
Conducted by the University of Georgia and Georgia College and State University, the study researchers enrolled college students to perform specific exercises. As well, one group of students received daily ginger supplements and a second group
consumed a placebo. The students who received ginger reported lower intensity of exercise-induced muscle pain.


Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is the most common nerve entrapment syndrome.  It is a painful condition caused by irritation or compression of the median nerve. In one survey of the general population, approximately 14.4% reported having symptoms resembling CTS—including numbness, tingling, weakness and pain. Patient complaints are usually limited to the
thumb and index finger, but in some cases may also involve the rest of the hand, the wrist and even the forearm.

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This syndrome derives its name from the location where the nerve irritation/compression most often occurs—in the carpal tunnel of the wrist. Anatomically, the bones of the wrist
are positioned in an arch-shaped  arrangement that leaves enough space for nerves, tendons and blood vessels to pass to the hand and fingers—this area is called the Carpal Tunnel. If the passageway of this tunnel becomes crowded, the resulting pressure on the median nerve can result in any of the
symptoms mentioned above.

One of the most commonly reported causes of CTS symptoms is inflammation of the tendons passing through the carpal tunnel. However, irritation of the median nerve can also be caused by
displacement of one of the carpal bones, or irritation of the nerve at other locations—such as the neck, shoulder or near the elbow. Activities known to contribute to this type of syndrome are
those associated with repetitive contraction of the small muscles of the hand: like typing, knitting or sewing.
However, according to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, CTS is most common amongst assembly-line workers.
Because chiropractors are accustomed to dealing with problems of the
joints, muscles and nerves, many patients with CTS will consult with their chiropractor. This is a good thing, because although medical options can help reduce the intensity of CTS symptoms in the vast majority of cases, surgery can be rather expensive, plus
the success rate for complete resolution from carpal tunnel syndrome has been estimated as low as 60%.  Not to mention, there are also reported side-effects involved with surgery,
including other nerve damage and delayed wound healing.

How does chiropractic help?

Whereas traditional medicine tends to focus in the area of the pain, chiropractors will consider the entire kinetic chain. According to experts, dysfunctional
neurological patterns in the neck can cause abnormal firing patterns in different muscles, including the ones that lead into the wrist and hand.6 Therefore, it is important to consider the mechanics of your neck and upper back. Vertebral subluxations in these areas could be one of the main contributing factors to CTS! In addition, chiropractors also know how the alignment of the bones in your wrist and elbow could be the cause of your symptoms. When joints are not aligned properly, the resulting inflammation and pain can cause spasm of the muscles in the area of the subluxation, plus irritation of the surrounding soft tissues. This alone could be the cause of the swelling and irritation of the tendons in the carpal tunnel. Sometimes, just a quick and gentle adjustment applied to one of the bones in these areas can help relieve the pressure.

When it comes to carpal tunnel syndrome, like any other maladies in the body, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure! You should always…

  • Consider the ergonomics of your workstation. Repetitive movements are not the problem—it is repetitive movement when your muscles and joints are at a disadvantage, leading to repetitive strain and pain.
  • Take regular breaks when your job requires repetitive tasks. During your break periods, a little bit of stretching
    (of the tight muscles) can go a long way.
  • Seek help when the CTS symptoms are just beginning to show up. The earlier you attend to these aches and pains, the better the chances of coming to a quick resolution of this painful condition.
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If you start to feel the symptoms of CTS, let your chiropractor give you a hand. Studies have shown chiropractic care to be an effective tool to reduce the symptoms of CTS. Your chiropractor
will conduct special tests to help determine the cause of the problem, and adjustments delivered right away can help prevent it from becoming a very painful, chronic problem.

Give the Gift of Chiropractic

In many traditions and cultures, December is the month of major
holidays which include the giving and receiving of gifts. Normally, one would assume this time is only associated with
joy and gratitude.




All-too-often, however, this time of year can be associated with a lot of stress! Travel schedules, family obligations and unrealistic expectations placed upon us can create stress that builds up as tension in our bodies. This leaves us more vulnerable to feeling aches and pains in our joints or muscles, or succumbing to the ever-present cold or flu virus.
It is not surprising that stress causes tension. But how is it that tension can actually hurt us? If you have ever been the victim of a stressful situation (who hasn’t?), you’ll probably remember the muscles of your neck and shoulders feeling tight, or maybe you were aware of clenching your jaw or fists? This is a typical physical response to mental or emotional challenges. How this leads to damage in your body can be found in the relationship between muscles and joints: Some muscles tighten to provide postural support, and others contract and relax to generate movement. Each muscle attaches to at least two different
bones, generating relative movement around a common joint. For example, the bicep muscle crosses the elbow joint, and when the bicep shortens, the arm is flexed at the elbow. Muscle contraction places an increased physical strain or load on the tissues, but this strain is used to perform a useful function. Movement of your muscles is coordinated by the messages relayed by nerves coming from your brain.
When muscles are not needed, nerve signals are silenced and the muscles return to a relaxed, resting tone, ready for when they are next called upon to contract.






When abnormal tension exists in the nervous system (caused by stress), muscles are bombarded by a low-level of nervous system activity – this does not create enough stimulation to cause a contraction, but generates a higher resting tone. This higher tone (muscle tightness) not only places an undue amount of strain on the tissues not being used, but it also leads to a greater compressive load on the joints that are coupled with the muscles in question. This is very unhealthy for the joint, as it could convert minor imbalances to major ones, leading to misalignment and subluxation of the joint. If this happens over time, extra pressure can also lead to accelerated joint degeneration – or osteoarthritis.

Chiropractic to the rescue!

Anyone who has experienced a chiropractic adjustment will know what it feels like to have pressure taken off their joints. Instant relief! However, did you know that one of the main reasons why Chiropractors adjust your spine is to help restore proper tone
in the nervous system? The father of Chiropractic, D.D. Palmer, spoke about this all the time. He described normal tone in the human nervous system responsible for a state of ease in the body, and abnormal tone in the nervous system leading to dis-ease. When the spine has areas of misalignment, this can cause irritation of the nervous system. These areas of misalignment or irritation are called vertebral subluxations.

Having nervous system irritation is like having extra ‘noise’ in the room when you are trying to have a conversation with someone. This makes it harder to hear the message. As a result, you either have to shout to get your point across, or risk not being understood. In the body, when this extra noise occurs in the spine (from subluxations) this can cause miscommunication
in the nervous system, which can lead to dysfunction and pain.

With a well-placed Chiropractic adjustment, vertebrae are swiftly and effectively shifted back in place, taking excessive pressure off the joints and removing the excessive ‘noise’ from the nervous system that vertebral subluxations can cause.

That is why scheduling a visit to your Chiropractor just before and just after the holiday season is perfect timing! It can help facilitate a greater sense of ‘ease’ in the body, making it easier to
handle the stress that normally awaits you at this time of year. Or, once you have been exposed to and felt the effects of the stress, your Chiropractor can bring your system back to normal.
We can not think of a better gift to give yourself this year!




Donate a gift and get a free photo with Santa!

We collect gifts (new & unwrapped) or monetary donations to spread cheer amongst the ones that need it most. Priority Health believes in giving back to our community and taking care of those in need.

Mark your calendar and share with your friends.

  • WHERE:  Children’s Village- just East from the clinic. 3500 SE 196th, Camas WA.
  • TIME: 10am- 2pm






















Can’t make it, but would still like to donate a gift or monetary donation?  Feel free to drop it off at the clinic.

Ho Ho Ho!!!

The Top 5 Reasons to get Adjusted by your Chiropractor

For over a hundred years, chiropractic patients have been
heralding the benefits of chiropractic adjustments for all who would listen. In this issue of the Wellness Express™, we are presenting five of the most popular reasons why people choose


Since its inception, chiropractic has first and foremost been based on the principle that the body has the innate ability to heal itself. Because of the negative effects of stress in one’s environment, the body’s natural abilities for wellness and healing can be interrupted. More specifically, when the nervous system is irritated by spinal misalignment (vertebral subluxations),
the regulatory capacity of the brain
relative to the rest of the body is compromised. Chiropractors seek to restore a more natural state in the body by using specific chiropractic adjustments to correct these imperfections. Chiropractors know that when the nervous system works better, ALL systems in the body have the potential to work better! Chiropractic is the only health care profession that abides by this principle. Chiropractors have been perfecting the art, philosophy and science of this wonderful profession for over a century!


The spine is an important physical structure that contains many pain-sensitive tissues: Most notably, joints, muscles, nerves, discs and ligaments. If there are any abnormal alignment patterns in the spinal column, this can place an abnormal amount of stress and strain on any one of these tissues. In a recent article reviewing the effectiveness of spinal manipulation, chiropractic adjustments were consistently better than other medical options in reducing the intensity of acute low back pain, plus restoring normal function, both for short-term and long-term effects



Many athletes swear by the positive effects of chiropractic when talking about their personal successes. Notable names like Lance Armstrong, Barry Bonds, Dan O’Brien and Arnold Schwarzenegger, to name a few, swear by their chiropractors. Athletic performance is affected by a combination of strength, flexibility, speed and coordination. When the spine exhibits imperfections in movement and/or alignment, the resulting vertebral subluxations can create focal areas of irritation in the nervous system, which subsequently interfere with the optimum functions of all other systems. As a result, athletic performance suffers. When athletes are adjusted regularly, they will often attribute their success (at least in part) to their chiropractic care.


We all like to look our best and put our best feet forward. In order to do this, we need to stand confidently vertical, with our head held up high.
Spinal curves are absolutely paramount to good posture. In the normal spine, there should be a gentle curvature of the spine inward in the neck and lower back, with a balanced outward curve in the mid-upper back. One of the most common postural faults (head forward, shoulders rounded forward) occurs when the lumbar (low back) curve is too flat, or the thoracic (mid-upper
back) is too rounded. If this abnormal body position is not corrected, this can place a lot of pressure on the spine where the neck meets the shoulders, causing stress and strain.

Your chiropractor works hard to ensure that your spine has every opportunity to assume perfect posture, by optimizing the movement and position of each and every vertebra. As
far as your posture is concerned, the rest is up to you – consistent awareness of your posture, plus a commitment to regular postural exercises are the best ways to maintain a healthy upright


Most people do not know this, but joint position is one of the most
important ‘senses’ used to detect body position in 3-dimensional space (only surpassed by vision in terms of importance). Without this joint information, for example, you would be severely uncoordinated in the dark, most likely unable to walk without falling. This ‘sense’ provided by the joints of your body is called
proprioception. Chiropractic adjustments help to restore proper position and movement of your body’s joints so proprioception (body awareness) is optimized. When you are more aware of your body in space, your improved balance and coordination will help you by preventing accidents and injuries!
Chiropractic care is not only for back pain – it is a natural, healthy choice for optimum performance and beautiful posture, plus an essential component of mind-body communication, ensuring your body functions the way it was originally intended!

Winter Activities – a likely cause for acute low back pain?

As summer turns into fall, and fall into winter, chiropractors prepare themselves to receive a healthy number of new patients – related to some of the more common winter activities and
their contribution to a greater incidence of acute lower back pain.

As the calendar pages are turned to the fall months, people put their bathing suits and beach towels away as they anticipate the first snowfall of the year. As they dig into their closets however, reaching for their skis, skates, snow shovels and sleds most don’t
think of how often these fun-filled activities can lead to debilitating lower back pain.

A few of the most notable causes for injury in the winter months include:
1. Slips and falls – with icy conditions.
2. Snow shoveling – a strenuous winter-related activity.
3. Dangerous winter sports.

Slips and falls:

When the temperature starts to drop below the freezing point, chiropractors warm up their adjusting muscles. With
snow and ice covering walkways and other surfaces, people are more likely to slip and fall, adding to the list of reasons they visit their chiropractor.
Acute injuries resulting from slips and falls can range from a slightly bruised ego, to subluxations and dislocations of the pelvis, or even fractures in the tailbone or wrist.
One of the first things you should do if you experience a fall this winter is to check in with your chiropractor. The jarring effects of a fall can easily subluxate your sacroiliac joints or lumbar spine and lead to more chronic issues if these subluxations are not
corrected right away.

Snow shoveling:

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Winter snow looks so soft and fluffy as it floats down to the earth, but when we attempt to clear our sidewalks of the frozen white stuff one shovel-full at a time, what we discover is that it’s not as easy as we first imagined. Snow gets easily packed and dense, and sometimes when the temperatures hover around the freezing point, the wetness of the snow can make it much heavier than it looks.
Shoveling snow is a physically demanding exercise that puts a great demand on the heart (thus putting us at greater risk for heart attacks). And, it can easily lead to sprains and strains of the lower back, wrists, elbows and shoulders. If you find yourself a painful victim of ‘shovelitis’ (a term used here to describe the acute lower back pain and inflammation following an afternoon of moving snow), your next step should be to make an appointment with your chiropractor.

If you’re looking to prevent that next bout of ‘shovelitis’, follow these helpful tips this winter:

1. Warm up before heading out into the cold – by stretching those tight muscles before using them.
2. Don’t over-load your shovel with snow – one shovel full of wet snow can weigh up to 25 pounds!

3. Always lift with your legs – be sure to bend your knees, not your back, when lifting loads of snow.

4. Don’t bend and twist – the worst combination for disc injuries. Avoid throwing snow over your shoulder!

5. Take a break! Taking regular breaks can help prevent getting over-tired, which is when you are most likely to injure yourself.

Winter sports:


Common winter sports – like skiing,
snow-boarding, hockey and tobogganing – not only involve many falls and spills, but also various activity-specific injuries.
Skiers and snowboarders often suffer knee and back injuries because of all the twisting motions involved in those sports – plus, thumb and wrist injuries are common.

Tobogganers have to watch out for injuries to the head and lower limbs caused by collisions with stationary objects and other people.

Hockey players need to be particularly aware of the dangers of their sport: Because it is a contact sport involving high speeds, sprains and subluxations are the number one injury in hockey, followed by contusions and lacerations. Of course, fans of NHL player Sidney Crosby will also be acutely aware of the ever-present potential for concussions in hockey – a devastating and serious problem in this sport.

We all know that winter sports can be fun, but we also need to be aware of the risks!

Luckily, your Doctor of Chiropractic knows how to safely and effectively take care of all those winter back pains. According to a recent article in the journal Spine, chiropractic treatment of acute low back pain is one of the most effective options and it is accomplished with minimal, if any, side-effects. Symptoms related to pain reduce more quickly and the effects of the
chiropractic adjustment last longer than other treatments (like medications, exercise, etc.) compared to chiropractic!
Whatever activities you are planning to participate in this year, be sure to schedule a chiropractic appointment afterwards, just in case!

Disclaimer: Information contained in the Wellness ExpressTM newsletter is for educational and general purposes only and is designed to assist you in making informed decisions about your health. Any information contained herein is not intended to substitute advice from your physician or other healthcare professional.