Real Food Revolution


Change your life one meal at a time!!

WHEN: January 25th – February 22nd -March 22 (Tuesdays)

Fee: $15 per class or $40 for all 3

TIME: 6:30-8:30 pm

WHERE: Priority Health Chiropractic

Today we have an abundance of options when it comes to the food we eat. But all foods are not created equal. In fact, some food should not even be labeled as food, but rather “ consumable product” or “edible but void of nourishment and will most likely cause chronic disease in the long run.”

Minda Coombs , NTP , along with Drs. Min, Lori and Gregg will be leading a 3 part seminar to help you navigate past the complexities of processed food and help you find your way back to the simplicity of real food and all its health benefits.

Register today ….

it will change your life, one meal at a time!
